
Christmas Kitties!

Kitten Present!

Hi all!

Merry Christmas!

Here is a picture of a kitten in a box as a present, (left) and a picture of kitty carolers! (below)

I think a kitten would be a very good present, don't you? :)

Have you ever gotten cat's or kittens caroling at your door? It happens all the time here.
You just open the door and there they are meowing at you. :3

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
~Linnette McCatt
Kitty Carolers!


Bobbie Christmas Short Story with Picture!

Who's Coming Down the Chimney?
Hi all!
Here is a Bobbie Christmas Short Story:

Bobbie had just finished putting out the fire in the fireplace, and was going to bed.
Then he heard a sort of climbing in the chimney, and there were ashes falling down on the logs below.
Bobbie only had one thought: "Santa." Then he went to bed.
And of course in the morning, there were presents under the tree, and the stockings were filled.

-Linnette McCatt


Let It Snow Kitty Sleds!

Hi all!
This kitty probably looks a little familiar. And it is. Because it is the "Let it Snow!" kitty, a couple of posts ago.
Anyway, this picture was a request!
To the requester:
Is it how you wanted? :)
-Linnette McCatt

Rosie In Her Christmas Dress

Hi all!
This is a request of Rosie in her Christmas dress!
Like it?
Thanks for requesting!
Linnette McCatt
P.S. Please post requests! :)


Yancy With Purple Ribbons

Hi all!
Here is a picture of Yancy our grown up kitten!
Do you like her purple ribbons? :3
Linnette McCatt

P.S. Please post requests!!


Arelia, Liam and Mickey!



Hi all!!
These are Calico's new kittens. The top one is a girl named Arelia, the middle one is a boy named Liam, and the lowest one is a boy named Mickey.
They are about a month old now, and are veeeerry veeerrrry cute!!!!!
Linnette McCatt
P.S. And Arelia doesn't actually look angry if you think she does, its just her markings. In real life she is a proper young lady...
And please post requests!!!!


Pictures from Last Tuesday

Hi all,
Here are some pictures I drew last Tuesday, but forgot to post them!
~Linnette McCatt
P.S. Please post requests! :)


Orange Kitty With Green Eyes!

Hi all,
Here is an orange kitty with green eyes.
~Linnette McCatt
P.S. Please post requests!!! :)


Calico's Newest Kittens

Hi all!
Here are Calico's newest kittens who are almost 3 weeks old!
Just so you know, if you have a suggestion for a kitten name, (we won't necessarily use it) post it in the comments!
Please post suggestions!
-Linnette McCatt

Happy Thursday Cat

This little kitty says, "Happy Thursday!"
-Linnette McCatt


Pretty Dress Day!

Darcy's Pretty Weddin' Dress

Rosie's Pretty Best Dress
Hi all!
Here are Darcy and Rosie in they're new dresses!
~Linnette McCatt

Yancy In The Fall Leaves

Hi all!
Here is Yancy (Darcy's kitten) in the Fall leaves.
As you all can see, she is wearing a cute green hat with a matching scarf!
And just so you know, I didn't draw every single leaf. Its an effect. :3
Thanks for viewing!
~Linnette McCatt


Darcy Dress Up

Hi All!
This is Darcy wearing a Beauty and the Beast dress...
I think she said she's dressed as Belle.
~Linnette McCatt
P.S. Post requests! :3


Bobbie and Rosie's New Outfits!

Bobbie doesn't much like his new bow-tie...
Rosie loves her new dress!!!

                                                                                                      ~Linnette McCatt


Darcy's Strange Eating Habits

Hi all!
Lately Darcy has been carrying pieces of wood around the farm in her mouth as if she were carrying a kitten...
I've been wondering what she's doing with them, if she thinks they're tasty or if she's building a house or something...
Take the poll on the right to decide what you think!!
~Linnette McCatt

Finn the dog (the cat's new friend!)

Say "Hello!" to Finn the dog who is one of the cat's/kitten's new friends!
Enjoy the picture,
Linnette McCatt


Candlelight Dinner For Two

Goldi (left) and Darcy's (right) candlelight dinner for two.
Hi All,
Enjoy the picture!
~Linnette McCatt


Calico's New Makeover

Calico's New Makeover!
Hi all,
This is Calico's new makeover, I hope she likes it...
~Linnette McCatt
P.S. Please post suggestions! :3


Dragon-Fly For Breakfast!

Darcy with her Dragon-Fly and the kittens (left to right) Amos, Tal and Gussie
Hi All,

This is a bug story, so if you dont like bugs, you don't have to read it. :3 Also, if you love dragon flies, its a pretty sad story for the dragon fly.

Darcy and Calico love bugs. For eats.

This morning I was in the barn and all the kitties were playing, and Darcy comes back from her "huntin' trip" with a big dragon fly in her mouth.

All the kittens came to see what Darcy brought and she set the dragon fly down for all her kittens too see (Calico's too) and Amos, Tal, Gussie, Malcolm, Bridget, and Marcus came over for a look.
You could just imagine Darcy announcing "I got all ma daaarling kittens a li'l breakfast."
Amos and Malcolm were interested, but the rest of the kittens gave one look at it and walked away like  "Dragon-Flies for breakfast!? Absolutely not!"

Amos and Malcolm with the dragon fly (Malcolm, left. Amos, right.)
After the rest of them left, Amos and Malcolm stayed while Darcy was starting to eat it. So Amos thought it looked like a great treat and since his mother enjoyed it, he might as well try a little bite.
So he tried to take it from Darcy but she wouldn't let him have it, so they fought over it for a little while, and then Amos got it.
All the while Malcolm was a little jealous (and hungry), but he didn't want to fight with Amos' momma, so he stayed aside and waited until Amos got the Dragon-Fly. Once Amos did, Malcolm took it like Amos did, but since they were both good friends Amos let him have the Dragon-Fly.
I think they both shared it, after a while.
I dont even know if they finished it.

Calico LOVES to chase Dragon-Flies and they fly around her teasing her and she jumps around swatting the air.

Anyway, have a nice day, sorry about the story Darcy was just trying to be a good mother... :)

(True story)


~Linnette McCatt

Bobbie's Greeting

Hi there!
This is Bobbie eating breakfast and saying:
~Linnette McCatt


Bobbie Jumping Through the Air

Here is a picture of Bobbie jumping through the air.
Maybe he's catching a cat treat or chasing a toy.
~Linnette McCatt


As Far As I Got

This is as far as I could get drawing Rosie in the kitchen. She kept moving, twitching looking around or moving her ears farther back (as you can see her ears are already pinned back as usually).
But, she left so that's all you get thanks to Rosie!
We still love her anyways.
Thanks for viewing!
~Linnette McCatt


Rosie, and Calico's kitten Bridget

Hi all! These are the new pictures:

This is Calico's new kitten Bridget who is the middle child and very cute! She loves to play with her brothers and run around, but is a little shy.

This is Rosie as you probably know, who isn't all that impressed with the kittens, they get in the way of the kibble bowl. (and that can cause quite a problem.)

I hope you like the pictures!


~Linnette McCatt


Congratulations Darcy & Calico!

Darcy and her kittens! (They are all actually that color)

Calico and her kittens! (Yes they did sort of have matching litters...)
Dear Bobbie and Friends fans,
We congratulate Darcy and Calico on they're new litters of kittens.
They each had 3, and they each had 2 grays, and one orange. :3 
We are still thinking about a kitten shower.
Post a comment!
Or, (even better) post a request!
Thanks so much for reading!
-Linnette McCatt

Bobbie and Friends 3030 pageviews!!!!

Congrats on the Bobbie and Friends blog for getting 3,030 pageviews!
Thanks everyone for helping this happen!
Lets see now if we can get to 4,000 pageviews!
The next goal... :3
Thanks again, and Enjoy!
-Linnette McCatt


Calico, Rosie and Tucker!

Rosie the cat with her pretty necklace!

Calico at the kitty tea party with HER pretty necklace.

Tucker the dog with nice sunglasses and a scarf on.
This is Rosie, Calico and Tucker here for another post on Bobbie and Friends the blog.
I hope you like it!
(I will get one of Darcy soon!)
~Linnette McCatt


Rosie's Dresses (They are on the poll)

Rosie's Green Prairie Dress

Rosie's Lime Green Gown
Hope you enjoy!
~Linnette McCatt


Cute and Crazy Kitties!

This kitty is a little crazy looking. It looks like it was decorated with lots of patterns.

Hi all!
These are some pictures of "cute kitties" that mostly are hungry and some are decorated in certain ways. :)
Here they are and I hope you like them! :D
~Linnette McCatt


Happy Valentines Day!

Hi there! 
Happy Valentines Day!
Bobbie came to wish you a little greeting in his Valentines Day box. :D
~Linnette McCatt



I found some pictures that I already posted somewhere else, but here they are!


Linnette McCatt