
Christmas Kitties!

Kitten Present!

Hi all!

Merry Christmas!

Here is a picture of a kitten in a box as a present, (left) and a picture of kitty carolers! (below)

I think a kitten would be a very good present, don't you? :)

Have you ever gotten cat's or kittens caroling at your door? It happens all the time here.
You just open the door and there they are meowing at you. :3

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
~Linnette McCatt
Kitty Carolers!


Bobbie Christmas Short Story with Picture!

Who's Coming Down the Chimney?
Hi all!
Here is a Bobbie Christmas Short Story:

Bobbie had just finished putting out the fire in the fireplace, and was going to bed.
Then he heard a sort of climbing in the chimney, and there were ashes falling down on the logs below.
Bobbie only had one thought: "Santa." Then he went to bed.
And of course in the morning, there were presents under the tree, and the stockings were filled.

-Linnette McCatt


Let It Snow Kitty Sleds!

Hi all!
This kitty probably looks a little familiar. And it is. Because it is the "Let it Snow!" kitty, a couple of posts ago.
Anyway, this picture was a request!
To the requester:
Is it how you wanted? :)
-Linnette McCatt

Rosie In Her Christmas Dress

Hi all!
This is a request of Rosie in her Christmas dress!
Like it?
Thanks for requesting!
Linnette McCatt
P.S. Please post requests! :)


Yancy With Purple Ribbons

Hi all!
Here is a picture of Yancy our grown up kitten!
Do you like her purple ribbons? :3
Linnette McCatt

P.S. Please post requests!!


Arelia, Liam and Mickey!



Hi all!!
These are Calico's new kittens. The top one is a girl named Arelia, the middle one is a boy named Liam, and the lowest one is a boy named Mickey.
They are about a month old now, and are veeeerry veeerrrry cute!!!!!
Linnette McCatt
P.S. And Arelia doesn't actually look angry if you think she does, its just her markings. In real life she is a proper young lady...
And please post requests!!!!