"Happy wedding day Bobbie and Rosie!"
Bobbie and Rosie's wedding day has finally arrived! Rosie is in her wedding dress, and Bobbie is in his tuxedo!
I will make the big wedding cake soon! I will add some of their kitty friends soon! I make different versions soon, for Rosie just doesn't look herself in that photo.
Linnette McCatt
The escape!
(If you want to know, this is back when knights in shining armor, saved princess's and Bobbie happens to be there.)
Bobbie was in the dungeon, on that day. Rosie was in her parlor stitching a dress. (She really should have had the maids do it, but she liked doing it herself.) She stitched and stitched, and finally she was done. She decided to search for the handsome Bobbie, but, she had a lot to do, being a princess and all. She went to her royal bedroom, and sat in her best chair. She had a feeling Bobbie was in trouble, but she decided not to worry about it. (Sorry there is too much about Rosie.)
Back to: BOBBIE!
Bobbie was in the dungeon, it was a nice place, for there were lots of mice to eat, so he knew he wouldn't starve. He took a quick glance at his chains, and decided maybe that he wouldn't get out soon. He wished he could catch a mouse, but his paws were all tied up. He looked around, and there he saw some keys hanging on the wall. He stretched as far as he could stretch, but didn't get far. He stretched, and stretched, but somehow I didn't work. The bad thing was, that the jail keeper brought food soon. The good thing was, was that Bobbie's paw-cuffs weren't as tight as they should have been. He tried pulling those off, but didn't succeed. He tried again. It worked! Slipping through the cuffs, his shoes fell off. He used his back paws to slip off the front paw-cuffs, and... he was free! He ran for the keys, only to find that the floor was slippery. He slipped and fell upon the floor. When he tried to get up his leg hurt so much that he couldn't stand up. So he gave up and waited. Suddenly it occurred to him, that the jail keeper would come soon! Summoning up all his tails strength, he pushed himself up, and he was standing! "Good thing my tail works alright!" Bobbie said, heaving a heavy breath. Snatching up the keys off the wall, he opened the door, and ran straight into the jail keeper! "Good day sir! I was just looking for you! Where is my lunch?" Bobbie said, very sarcastic-like, for he was in to mood to talk. Anywho, Bobbie hadn't been in karate for nothing. He fought with the jail keeper, and won. Soon he was running down the hall, opening lots of prison doors. He flung himself out the door into the fresh air, breathing as much in as possible. The prison had been very, very dusty. He had a slight cough, but that didn't matter, as long as he was outside.
Now we must get back to Rosie, who had been locked in a dark room without knowing it. She brushed her long curls, and straightened up her dress, and went over to the door. "Oh dear! The door is locked and I don't have a key!" Rosie said, very frightened. She rattled the door as hard as she could, but it didn't budge. She meowed her heart out, hoping Bobbie would hear her.
Bobbie did hear her, and hurried past the guards. Its a wonder they didn't see me. Bobbie thought, running as fast as he could into the castle. He rushed to the sound of Rosie's screaming, to find guards at the door, looking very annoyed. "I wish she would stop screaming. I won't ever be able to hear again if she keeps that up!" Said one very annoyed guard. Bobbie slid to a stop, and hid behind an open door. Bobbie was a quick thinker, so, he thought up a plan very fast. Bobbie was quick to carry out his plan, slamming the door on the guards. Soon they were out of the way, and he found the keys still in the door. How silly. Don't they even know how to guard at all? Bobbie thought, as turned the key in the lock. Opening the door, he found Rosie, sitting on a chair, and oh poor Rosie, crying. Rosie looked up from her crying, and stared astonished, and embarrassed. "Good day my good maid!" Bobbie said snatching her up, and carrying her out of the room. "W-wait! Where are we going Bobbie?" Rosie said, still trembling a little. "Oh nowhere in particular, maybe just escaping." They ran down the hall, and ran out the door. Luckily for them, a hay wagon was rolling past, so Bobbie threw Rosie in, jumped in himself, and waved goodbye to the astonished guards. "Goodbye! Have a nice time guarding an empty castle!" Rosie waved also, and they set off for home.
(Sorry for writing so much, but I had to! And by the way, the picture was drawn with a mouse.)
Your artist and writer,
Linnette McCatt
Bobbie was in the dungeon, on that day. Rosie was in her parlor stitching a dress. (She really should have had the maids do it, but she liked doing it herself.) She stitched and stitched, and finally she was done. She decided to search for the handsome Bobbie, but, she had a lot to do, being a princess and all. She went to her royal bedroom, and sat in her best chair. She had a feeling Bobbie was in trouble, but she decided not to worry about it. (Sorry there is too much about Rosie.)
Back to: BOBBIE!
Bobbie was in the dungeon, it was a nice place, for there were lots of mice to eat, so he knew he wouldn't starve. He took a quick glance at his chains, and decided maybe that he wouldn't get out soon. He wished he could catch a mouse, but his paws were all tied up. He looked around, and there he saw some keys hanging on the wall. He stretched as far as he could stretch, but didn't get far. He stretched, and stretched, but somehow I didn't work. The bad thing was, that the jail keeper brought food soon. The good thing was, was that Bobbie's paw-cuffs weren't as tight as they should have been. He tried pulling those off, but didn't succeed. He tried again. It worked! Slipping through the cuffs, his shoes fell off. He used his back paws to slip off the front paw-cuffs, and... he was free! He ran for the keys, only to find that the floor was slippery. He slipped and fell upon the floor. When he tried to get up his leg hurt so much that he couldn't stand up. So he gave up and waited. Suddenly it occurred to him, that the jail keeper would come soon! Summoning up all his tails strength, he pushed himself up, and he was standing! "Good thing my tail works alright!" Bobbie said, heaving a heavy breath. Snatching up the keys off the wall, he opened the door, and ran straight into the jail keeper! "Good day sir! I was just looking for you! Where is my lunch?" Bobbie said, very sarcastic-like, for he was in to mood to talk. Anywho, Bobbie hadn't been in karate for nothing. He fought with the jail keeper, and won. Soon he was running down the hall, opening lots of prison doors. He flung himself out the door into the fresh air, breathing as much in as possible. The prison had been very, very dusty. He had a slight cough, but that didn't matter, as long as he was outside.
Now we must get back to Rosie, who had been locked in a dark room without knowing it. She brushed her long curls, and straightened up her dress, and went over to the door. "Oh dear! The door is locked and I don't have a key!" Rosie said, very frightened. She rattled the door as hard as she could, but it didn't budge. She meowed her heart out, hoping Bobbie would hear her.
Bobbie did hear her, and hurried past the guards. Its a wonder they didn't see me. Bobbie thought, running as fast as he could into the castle. He rushed to the sound of Rosie's screaming, to find guards at the door, looking very annoyed. "I wish she would stop screaming. I won't ever be able to hear again if she keeps that up!" Said one very annoyed guard. Bobbie slid to a stop, and hid behind an open door. Bobbie was a quick thinker, so, he thought up a plan very fast. Bobbie was quick to carry out his plan, slamming the door on the guards. Soon they were out of the way, and he found the keys still in the door. How silly. Don't they even know how to guard at all? Bobbie thought, as turned the key in the lock. Opening the door, he found Rosie, sitting on a chair, and oh poor Rosie, crying. Rosie looked up from her crying, and stared astonished, and embarrassed. "Good day my good maid!" Bobbie said snatching her up, and carrying her out of the room. "W-wait! Where are we going Bobbie?" Rosie said, still trembling a little. "Oh nowhere in particular, maybe just escaping." They ran down the hall, and ran out the door. Luckily for them, a hay wagon was rolling past, so Bobbie threw Rosie in, jumped in himself, and waved goodbye to the astonished guards. "Goodbye! Have a nice time guarding an empty castle!" Rosie waved also, and they set off for home.
(Sorry for writing so much, but I had to! And by the way, the picture was drawn with a mouse.)
Your artist and writer,
Linnette McCatt
I'm dreaming!
"Pinch me, I'm dreaming!" Bobbie stood, looking at a giant can of tuna! "Meow!" Rosie exclaimed as she walked over to look, "I never thought they made them that big!" "Same here!" Bobbie said, walking over to examine it. "Hmmm... I think its real alright!" Rosie laughed then said, "Of course it is, Bobbie! Anyone would know that!" Bobbie thought about that for a minute, then said, "You said that you never thought they made them that big."
Rosie decided to "scamper away" and so she did. Bobbie was left all alone for a bit, until Princess came, and then she said: "Oooh! Oh how I would love to have just a taste if you don't mind!" Bobbie didn't like this idea, so he thought up a plan to make Princess leave.
"Um, Princess! I don't think we know how to open it yet, so I think you can be running along now."
"Will you call me when you open it?" Princess asked.
"Ummm... Yes, yes I will. I will send somebody to get you." Bobbie answered.
"Then I guess I will go lie in a window sill, for the present."
Bobbie filled with relief when Princess left him, for, he really wanted to take a nap himself.
He lay down on the floor, and fell asleep.
He woke to find Rosie staring at him, and saying something. "Bobbie? Did you eat the tuna? Because its gone!" Bobbie sat bolt upright, and said, "What? Its gone!?" Rosie nodded, and looked at the place where the tuna had been, and told Bobbie that when she came, it was gone! "I'm no detective, but I might be able to find it." Bobbie pounced on the place where it had been, but unfortunate for him, he stubbed his toe.
"Ouch! My paw hurts!" Bobbie yelled.
Rosie rushed to his side. "I think I might have some stuff in my purse that will help."
She rifled around, and found a bandage and some other things, that she might need.
She fixed it right up, and Bobbie said it felt better, so they set off.
"It looks like it gone!" Rosie said.
"I know where it went!" Bobbie said. "Princess took it!"
They rushed off to Princess' house, and knocked on the front door.
"Come in! Your just in time for the party!" A voice said from inside.
Rosie and Bobbie went in only to find a dark room.
They found themselves in a decorated room, with a tuna cake on a table.
"W-what is all this for?" Rosie said, very surprised indeed.
"Oh its just a party! Don't you like parties?" Princess said, as she came over to greet them.
"What is the party for?" Bobbie asked.
"Its my birthday of course!" Princess exclaimed.
"Then why is it a surprise for us?" Rosie asked.
"We did that to everybody who came in!" Princess said very happily.
"Who is all here?" Bobbie asked, quite confused.
"Questions, questions. Okay, I'll tell you." Princess said. "There is Molly, Milo, Jake, Abby, Gwen, you, and me!"
"Oh how fun! I just LOVE parties! They make me happy!" Rosie said.
"I hoped you would say that." Princess said, mischievously. "Well! Lets start the party!!"
So they all had a wonderful night, dancing the night away.
Thanks for reading!
Your artist and writer,
Linnette McCatt
Rosie decided to "scamper away" and so she did. Bobbie was left all alone for a bit, until Princess came, and then she said: "Oooh! Oh how I would love to have just a taste if you don't mind!" Bobbie didn't like this idea, so he thought up a plan to make Princess leave.
"Um, Princess! I don't think we know how to open it yet, so I think you can be running along now."
"Will you call me when you open it?" Princess asked.
"Ummm... Yes, yes I will. I will send somebody to get you." Bobbie answered.
"Then I guess I will go lie in a window sill, for the present."
Bobbie filled with relief when Princess left him, for, he really wanted to take a nap himself.
He lay down on the floor, and fell asleep.
He woke to find Rosie staring at him, and saying something. "Bobbie? Did you eat the tuna? Because its gone!" Bobbie sat bolt upright, and said, "What? Its gone!?" Rosie nodded, and looked at the place where the tuna had been, and told Bobbie that when she came, it was gone! "I'm no detective, but I might be able to find it." Bobbie pounced on the place where it had been, but unfortunate for him, he stubbed his toe.
"Ouch! My paw hurts!" Bobbie yelled.
Rosie rushed to his side. "I think I might have some stuff in my purse that will help."
She rifled around, and found a bandage and some other things, that she might need.
She fixed it right up, and Bobbie said it felt better, so they set off.
"It looks like it gone!" Rosie said.
"I know where it went!" Bobbie said. "Princess took it!"
They rushed off to Princess' house, and knocked on the front door.
"Come in! Your just in time for the party!" A voice said from inside.
Rosie and Bobbie went in only to find a dark room.
They found themselves in a decorated room, with a tuna cake on a table.
"W-what is all this for?" Rosie said, very surprised indeed.
"Oh its just a party! Don't you like parties?" Princess said, as she came over to greet them.
"What is the party for?" Bobbie asked.
"Its my birthday of course!" Princess exclaimed.
"Then why is it a surprise for us?" Rosie asked.
"We did that to everybody who came in!" Princess said very happily.
"Who is all here?" Bobbie asked, quite confused.
"Questions, questions. Okay, I'll tell you." Princess said. "There is Molly, Milo, Jake, Abby, Gwen, you, and me!"
"Oh how fun! I just LOVE parties! They make me happy!" Rosie said.
"I hoped you would say that." Princess said, mischievously. "Well! Lets start the party!!"
So they all had a wonderful night, dancing the night away.
Thanks for reading!
Your artist and writer,
Linnette McCatt
A bit too soon.
Tomorrow is when I start school...
Bobbie is happy that school starts, for he likes it when us kids come out to the barn to milk in the morning. But, Bobbie starts school too! I think he likes it, but I can't be too sure.
(I probably won't be posting so much, now that school is starting.)
Bobbie is happy that school starts, for he likes it when us kids come out to the barn to milk in the morning. But, Bobbie starts school too! I think he likes it, but I can't be too sure.
(I probably won't be posting so much, now that school is starting.)
I didn't do it!
"I didn't steal the steak! Why would I do that?!"
Too bad for Bobbie that he was wearing his 'I stole the steak' shirt that day...
(Sorry, but I didn't have time for a long post.)
Too bad for Bobbie that he was wearing his 'I stole the steak' shirt that day...
(Sorry, but I didn't have time for a long post.)
I can't sing!
"You know I can't sing!" Bobbie said, as Rosie helped him put on his suit jacket. The audition cat handed Bobbie his microphone, and Bobbie walked up on stage. He stood in the little square that was marked out for him. Then, the audition cat told him to start singing. He turned the mic on, and checked his notes. His music was in place, so he started. "MEOW! MEOW MEOW! REOW REOW! MEOW MEOW!!!" Bobbie sang with all his little heart. Rosie gave him a paws up as he walked off stage. Bobbie had done it. By the way, he had been auditioning for a cat choir, so now you know. He and Rosie walked out of the building, talking about what to do that night and other things. Rosie said, "You know Bobbie, you sang quite well on the stage! I do hope you can get in that choir." Bobbie grinned a little grin, as he walked to the bike stand. "I don't really think so," Bobbie said as he hopped onto his little bike. "At first I started a little scratchy, for my tongue was in the way." Rosie laughed, and then swung herself onto her own bike, and they started off. By the time they got home, it was almost milking time. Bobbie and Rosie hurried into the barn and quickly changed into their normal barn clothes. They sat down on the bench, and hurriedly drank up the milk. They went to bed, for they had to get up early. The morning after, they got up, and ate breakfast, and hurried off to the building where they had been before. They rushed in, and looked at who would be in the choir. They looked down the list, and this is what it said:
Miss Kitty
That night at dinner, Bobbie suddenly broke out in song. "MEOW! REOW! MEOW MEOW! REOW REOW! MEOW!!!!" Rosie looked at him, and Bobbie blushed. "Tee-hee!" Bobbie said, and then he went off to bed.
Thanks for reading!
"What?! I'm famous?!" Suddenly Bobbie finds himself in his best suit, with lots of photographers who are taking pictures! He runs out of the room, and meows for a taxi. The taxi gets there just as a herd of photographers run out of the building, trying to get him back to pose for photos! He gets in, and tells the driver to go directly to the barn. Rushing to pull of his top hat, his wallet fell out of his pocket and cat treats and other little bits of paper and other articles fell out of his wallet. Finally, they arrived at the nice warm barn, just in time for the milking. He rushed in to the barn, pulled off his suit, and sitting down with Rosie, he drank the warm, sweet milk that the waiter brought. He went to his room, changed into his pajamas and went to sleep. Although he had nightmares of photographers chasing him, it always turned out to end with him going home to sleep.
Thanks for reading!
Thanks for reading!
Bobbie And All The Animals
Bobbie is scared as always, in the barn eating his supper. Soon a goat comes, and Bobbie runs for as fast as his little paws can carry him. Soon he comes to his little kitty house, and snuggles down in bed, feeling very warm and content, after eating a bowl of warm milk...
I think I have finally captured Bobbie's facial expressions.
I think I have finally captured Bobbie's facial expressions.
Bobbie the mouse hunter!
Bobbie is mouse hunting! Most of you have seen it, a while ago, but I think I will post it just for laughs.
(It is the same as Bobbie when bear hunting, just mouse hunting. )
Gotta do it someday...
I suppose I should post all the old pictures so if anybody wants to join, they can see the old ones. Well, here are some, I will post more soon. Here we go! (By the way, I have two other cats, Rosie and Princess. Princess is with Bobbie on a starry night. Rosie is Princess Rosie. Its really confusing!)
With a little help from my brother, I have finally made a blog! I will try to post one picture a day, or maybe even more! Bobbie and his friends all hope to be on the blog, and if you want a cat, I will draw you one. Bobbie just wants to say 'hi' so here he is!

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