
"Bobbie! Its Time For Your Evening Milk!"

"Oh Bobbie! Bobbie where are you?" Rosie asked, as she walked up the stairs to hers and Bobbie's room.
"I'm in here!" Came the distant reply. Rosie went down the hallway and into the drawing room.
"Oh hi!" Said Bobbie.
"Where have you been?"
"No where, just here working on some art."
"Well its time for your evening milk and cookies!"
Bobbie smiled as Rosie handed him his food.
"Thanks a lot Rosie! I was really getting hungry with all this work!" Bobbie said, quietly sipping his milk. "It is just how I like it! Thank you very much!" Rosie smiled as Bobbie went back to his drawing, and then she left the room, thinking about the day afterword.
"Well, I had better get to bed," Bobbie said to himself standing up from his chair. "I have a busy day tomorrow." Bobbie yawned as he walked sleepily off to bed...


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